We have finally left Tucson, back on the road headed for the east coast. The delay was caused by a lost title for the truck we intended to drive across the country. We stayed around Tucson longer than anticipated but it was nice to catch up with family and explore some old climbing routes that I haven't seen since college. It was the first time Laura had climbed outdoors so it was nice introduction to some long simple climbs.
We headed first for Santa Fe to meet up with Kristin and Isaac, friends from Nome, and took the day to drive from Tucson to Santa Fe. It was successful and the reunion wonderful. Kristin and Isaac live in a "passive" solar house in the mountains. It was beautiful,quiet, and peaceful. We
We spent a full day on the river, nothing more than class 2 but nice a relaxing.
Isaac presented a case for us to visit his family cabin in Creede, CO so we took it. This changed our direction and travel plans entirely as we were going to take the southern route across the US on I-40 but ended up going across through Kansas instead. In Creede we visited the Creede Repertory Theater (CRT) which was listed as one of the top 10 places to see plays off Broadway. We saw a play and although we appreciate the Nome Arts Council, we truly enjoyed the performance and ability of the performers as they transported us into the performance so effortlessly. Appreciatively, the words of Richard ringing in my head.
In Creede we also had the opportunity to hike one of the many alpine trails. This was beautiful as we walked along a spring fed brook, through thick aspen groves, and enjoyed views of the opposite side of the valley.
After Creede, we headed east into Kansas. Honestly western Kansas is not all that scenic, but they are very entertaining. It was here that Laura and I experienced a sight and thought that never had crossed our minds before...the land of
the 8000 pound prairie dog! Where else could such a beast of such size be grown and contained but in the vastness of the wide, wide, wide...wide spaces of Western Kansas.
After the amazement of this spectacle we continued to Eastern Kansas where we were greeted by Phil, a friend of Lorne, who truly made us feel at home as well as his many friends. We jammed together through the night (2am to be exact) with excellent food and drink. It was so nice to be greeted this way after such a long drive. Thanks Phil.
We continued east through what can only be descirbed as Banjo Heaven (think happy Deliverance) to the land of Laura, Virginia. Not Laura, VA but where Laura is from. It has been quite nice as we camp out in the cool night air behind Abbey and George's house ( Laura's sister and brother-in- law.) We look forward to more adventures and will try, once again, to be more consistent with updates.
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