Things here are good. Here's our living room!
We bought a rug the other day, and a trashcan, and a teapot. This week we've been spending a lot of time trying to economically stock up on food and necessities to get our little home together. Jeff's been really excited to make the kitchen his own. He's been in there every night cooking up something scrumptious. I put aside my free-range meat preferences in order to eat some of his roasted chicken. He was raving about it. I just couldn't make him go without getting some positive reinforcement. haha! So we've had chicken soup, chicken nachos, chicken sandwiches (with cream cheese...quite good!), chicken tacos, and tonight I wouldn't be surprised if he uses it as a topping for a baked potato.
Last weekend was his 30th birthday! We drove to Charlotte, just about 2 hours away to go see Old Crow Medicine Show. At the end of it, Jeff said that we must go see them, everytime we get the chance! haha. It was a great, SOLD OUT, fun time. We danced, and danced and danced.
As the weekend comes, we're looking forward to checking out our first open mic in Asheville. And our new friend Jeff is going to take us on a good, long hike. The farthest we've been so far, due to rain and such, is just up to the Blue Ridge Parkway. But I'm happy to report it was lovely, and only a 10 minute drive up from our house. It's nice to have that so close. So I'm looking forward to getting out farther and experiencing some North Carolina mountain hiking!
As far as things go for me, I'm still looking for a job. I'm having a hard time. The first day I checked our new mailbox, there was a letter awaiting me from the NPR station I applied to, letting me know that I didn't get the position. BUMMER. So now, I'm entertaining all kinds of other options, feeling more desperate as the days go by. My latest application went in at the local Whole Foods. Fingers crossed! I'm thinking that could get me into a community at least, and maybe some new opportunities will sprout from that! We'll see... until next time.