Written with the best intentions of updating friends and family on our adventures.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Just to add to...by Jeff
This was a pretty amazing weekend, backpacking with some excellent company (gosh, I love this gal!), music, dancing, eating, drinking... It doesn't get any better. The connection made in just one night brought back all the feelings I missed from having nature so close and available. I wasn't kidding about the connection made over one night, the sun seemed brighter and welcoming, the air clearer, every sound more deliberate. All only confirmed my desire to homestead on a little farm and enjoy life for what it is. It was a nice reminder of all the experiences we have had together over the past couple of months, the relationships built, the acquaintances, the good times shared with beautiful people...thank you all.
Driving the east coast, by laura
We set out last week from Newport News, heading to the Shenendoah National Park to get in our first backpacking trip since we left Nome! We finally had emptied the truck of our belongings, and were able to leave it for the night, not to worry about everything being there when we returned. We camped Thursday night at a campground, and toted our banjo and ukulele out for a little fireside entertainment. Heading to the restroom to brush our teeth, the camper couple by the building complemented us on the music, and wanted to hear more! good thing. We've only heard good things about our little traveling duo so far...
The next day, we packed up our packs and set out on the trail! We took it really easy on ourselves. Jeff was nervous about getting me in too far over my head I think (although I did backpack Grand Central in Nome...come on!) Anyway, we were just relaxing, it was hot, and we traveled down to where we would camp in just a few hours. The trail description talked of 100ft. water falls and a swimming hole, which we were really excited about. But it's been so dry, we were lucky to find some small, small pools of water that were suitable to filter for drinking. No waterfalls, no swimming... But we found a place to set up camp, and relaxed for the rest of the day. Reading in the tent, as the sun was going down, we heard some rustling in the leaves not too far away. It startled me, and Jeff shot up, a black bear was less than 100 yards, digging at a rotting tree. We had just gotten back from a walk in that very direction, and there it was, checking us out. Luckily, it got a whiff of us (not pleasant,) and felt it wise to head the other direction. The next day, we woke to a pleasant fall morning. The air was cool and crisp and leaves and acorns were falling to the ground. I think the night out in the woods connected our energies somehow. Jeff was talking of be more in tuned to everything around us, the morning light filtering through the trees. It was nice. A quick breakfast, and we were off! I wasn't entirely prepared for our hike back to be completely uphill...whew! what a workout! I kept reminding myself of that, and somehow it wasn't that bad. But I'm still feeling it, and it's two days later. haha.
We came in to Luray on Saturday afternoon and spent some relaxing time with Abbey, George, and Sam, and then ventured down to Lexington yesterday to hear the Carolina Chocolate Drops. The concert was at 3pm with contra dancing afterward! I was glad to have experience from our Nome time. It was good to do that again. And we spoke to the guitarist and percussionist extraordinaire from the band, and plugged the Nome Folk Fest. I told them that they should try to get out there, and they wouldn't regret it! He said to keep trying to get them there...so I'll have to pass that on to Carol!
Next we're heading to Fredericksburg to hang out with sister Gabie, Thane, and their little Asher. We'll be heading into DC for a day to visit the city life and catch a museum or two that we missed when we were there in the winter. Then...VERMONT! I'm excited. more soon. and we'll have pictures next time.
The next day, we packed up our packs and set out on the trail! We took it really easy on ourselves. Jeff was nervous about getting me in too far over my head I think (although I did backpack Grand Central in Nome...come on!) Anyway, we were just relaxing, it was hot, and we traveled down to where we would camp in just a few hours. The trail description talked of 100ft. water falls and a swimming hole, which we were really excited about. But it's been so dry, we were lucky to find some small, small pools of water that were suitable to filter for drinking. No waterfalls, no swimming... But we found a place to set up camp, and relaxed for the rest of the day. Reading in the tent, as the sun was going down, we heard some rustling in the leaves not too far away. It startled me, and Jeff shot up, a black bear was less than 100 yards, digging at a rotting tree. We had just gotten back from a walk in that very direction, and there it was, checking us out. Luckily, it got a whiff of us (not pleasant,) and felt it wise to head the other direction. The next day, we woke to a pleasant fall morning. The air was cool and crisp and leaves and acorns were falling to the ground. I think the night out in the woods connected our energies somehow. Jeff was talking of be more in tuned to everything around us, the morning light filtering through the trees. It was nice. A quick breakfast, and we were off! I wasn't entirely prepared for our hike back to be completely uphill...whew! what a workout! I kept reminding myself of that, and somehow it wasn't that bad. But I'm still feeling it, and it's two days later. haha.
We came in to Luray on Saturday afternoon and spent some relaxing time with Abbey, George, and Sam, and then ventured down to Lexington yesterday to hear the Carolina Chocolate Drops. The concert was at 3pm with contra dancing afterward! I was glad to have experience from our Nome time. It was good to do that again. And we spoke to the guitarist and percussionist extraordinaire from the band, and plugged the Nome Folk Fest. I told them that they should try to get out there, and they wouldn't regret it! He said to keep trying to get them there...so I'll have to pass that on to Carol!
Next we're heading to Fredericksburg to hang out with sister Gabie, Thane, and their little Asher. We'll be heading into DC for a day to visit the city life and catch a museum or two that we missed when we were there in the winter. Then...VERMONT! I'm excited. more soon. and we'll have pictures next time.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
the adventures continue
We made it to the east coast, and have had the pleasure of visiting with so many friends and family. It's been really great. The wedding was fun, and it was nice to see so many old friends all in the same place together. Our stay in Luray with Abbey, George and Sam was wonderful. It was the longest uninterrupted time we'd had together in a while. Sam might actually remember who we are! We were introduced to his near 2 year old awesomeness, dancing to Paul Simon, playing drums during music time. So much fun. We played so much music! Abbey and George have a great collection of instruments and love playing music, so we got to play with George at an open stage in downtown Luray, and we even went to their friends' house for a Nome-inspired music time. Abbey enjoyed sharing in a music night in Nome so much, that she's trying to spread the music love in Luray. On
After hanging in Luray for a long weekend, we drove south to Asheville, NC. It's awesome here. We've been staying with my college friend Jessica and her lovely husband T.J. They live in a "tree-house," a house among many trees, just minutes from the Blue Ridge Parkway. We've been eating good food, enjoying good company, and went out for a night on the town on Friday. We were introduced to some great local beers and vegetarian bbq. yum! Yesterday was a rainy, lazy day, so our plans for boating morphed into napping and reading. Today we had an amazing brunch at one of my most favorite restaurants, the Laughing Seed; gourmet vegetarian food that makes meat eaters forget they wanted meat. mmmm...mmmmm.... After a little too much shopping, we came back to the house, and have burritos as the plan for dinner. What more could you want? Jeff has been weighing the pro's of moving here, although we've spent a lot of time talking about Alaska this weekend, and both miss it, a lot. The leaves are just thinking of changing colors here, and the weather is cooling off. I can imagine the tundra is looking beautiful in reds and golds.
Tomorrow we're heading to the coast, so I can introduce Jeff to the Outer Banks. I'm so excited to show him another of my favorite east coast spots. And he'll get his first dip in the warm Atlantic seas. woo hoo! for beach time. I'm sure we'll get some good photos up from there. More soon.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
...8000 Pound Prarie Dog?
We have finally left Tucson, back on the road headed for the east coast. The delay was caused by a lost title for the truck we intended to drive across the country. We stayed around Tucson longer than anticipated but it was nice to catch up with family and explore some old climbing routes that I haven't seen since college. It was the first time Laura had climbed outdoors so it was nice introduction to some long simple climbs.
We headed first for Santa Fe to meet up with Kristin and Isaac, friends from Nome, and took the day to drive from Tucson to Santa Fe. It was successful and the reunion wonderful. Kristin and Isaac live in a "passive" solar house in the mountains. It was beautiful,quiet, and peaceful. We
We spent a full day on the river, nothing more than class 2 but nice a relaxing.
Isaac presented a case for us to visit his family cabin in Creede, CO so we took it. This changed our direction and travel plans entirely as we were going to take the southern route across the US on I-40 but ended up going across through Kansas instead. In Creede we visited the Creede Repertory Theater (CRT) which was listed as one of the top 10 places to see plays off Broadway. We saw a play and although we appreciate the Nome Arts Council, we truly enjoyed the performance and ability of the performers as they transported us into the performance so effortlessly. Appreciatively, the words of Richard ringing in my head.
In Creede we also had the opportunity to hike one of the many alpine trails. This was beautiful as we walked along a spring fed brook, through thick aspen groves, and enjoyed views of the opposite side of the valley.
After Creede, we headed east into Kansas. Honestly western Kansas is not all that scenic, but they are very entertaining. It was here that Laura and I experienced a sight and thought that never had crossed our minds before...the land of
the 8000 pound prairie dog! Where else could such a beast of such size be grown and contained but in the vastness of the wide, wide, wide...wide spaces of Western Kansas.
After the amazement of this spectacle we continued to Eastern Kansas where we were greeted by Phil, a friend of Lorne, who truly made us feel at home as well as his many friends. We jammed together through the night (2am to be exact) with excellent food and drink. It was so nice to be greeted this way after such a long drive. Thanks Phil.
We continued east through what can only be descirbed as Banjo Heaven (think happy Deliverance) to the land of Laura, Virginia. Not Laura, VA but where Laura is from. It has been quite nice as we camp out in the cool night air behind Abbey and George's house ( Laura's sister and brother-in- law.) We look forward to more adventures and will try, once again, to be more consistent with updates.
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