What a whirwind of a year this has been! Jeff and I left Nome almost a year ago. We traveled, traveled, traveled, tried to settle months later, and soon found ourselves yearning to get back to Alaska. I can speak for myself and say I didn't realize how Nome had become such a wonderful home for us. It was only in leaving that I realized I wanted still be there. Crazy how life works.
But we have had such great times on the road! We spent some wonderful time getting to know each others' families, met some wonderful lifelong friends here in Asheville, and got a dog! not to mention, we got married! Woweee what a wonderful day. I'm very happy and grateful for the experiences of this past year, even the hardships we've endured. I think it helped strengthen our relationship. I'm also looking forward to heading back home to Nome, settling for a while, and allowing ourselves to relax into our life together. So much lies ahead!